DeAndre's Personal Fitness Program

My Goals

Step 1-Desire

I want to improve my cardiovascular endurance.

Step 2-Belief

I belief I can acheive because I'm a athlete already, I need to improve so I can play longer and harder.

Step 3-Analyze Where You Are Now

As of now I can only play half a game before I become tired.

Step 4 - Set Realistic Goals

I plan to run atleast 2 miles around my neighborhood every other day. 

Write your Goals in Detail

Do cardio workouts, ride my bike atleast 2 days, run the other 3

Step 6 - List the Benefits You Will Receive

I will be able to play longer, faster, and harder

Step 7 - Identify Obstacles

The weather, is really the main obstacle 

Step 8 - Identify Knowledge You Will Need

Different workouts to do to improve cardiovascular endurance, I can gain information from the internet, a coach, or fittness instructor

Step 9 - Make a Plan of Action

For the next 3 weeks i plan to walk Monday, jog Tuesday, run Wednsday, and ride a bike Thursday and Friday 

Step 10 - Develop A Timeline

I am hoping I can do this in a months time

Step 11 - Monitor Your Progress

At the end of each week I'll play a pick-up game and see how long i can last before I become tired 

Step 12 - Never Give Up

My teamates, My family can motivate to accomplish my goal